Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Already reflecting on 2009

It’s not unusual for one to get nostalgic at this time of the year. Regardless of whether you believe in Christmas or just enjoy a few days off from your day to day hustle and bustle of the working cycle.

So forgive me for reflecting, even before the year is done. I am grateful for so many things this year, thankful for those in my life who I love and not to take away from those I love, I am extremely thankful for the turn that my photography took this year.

It started when I was on a coffee date with a person who, how can I say, I just wasn’t really into! We were having coffee at my favourite coffee shop in Croydon Main Street, Kofi Beans. Which is probably my favourite for the reason that it’s located right near my favourite shop in the world, Croydon Camera House (CCH).

Anyway I was having coffee with him, listening to him planning what we were going to do together, hello???!! Hmmm can you see why my mind was wandering?

In my own thoughts I interrupted him and said,

“ I just need to do something, do you mind?”

Puzzled he said “sure,” as he paid for our coffees and followed me to CCH.

I’d been looking at photographic workshop brochures for this “bloke” called Shelton Muller.

Apparently he was a great photographer, and also a great teacher.

In my boredom due to my date’s conversation I started wondering if that was what I needed to inject some life into my life. Dean was at the counter when I approached and I asked a little more about this Shelton bloke’s workshops. Dean was all praise, in fact I guess I have to thank Dean too. I signed myself up for the workshop and dumped my date and I haven’t looked back.

I’m sure some of you reading this will say it’s a big call to say Shelton’s workshop turned my photography onto a fresh exciting path, but it really did.

A day after I posted the images from that workshop on facebook I had a friend of a friend who’d seen my portraits from the workshop book me for a portrait session.

Shelton has a method of teaching that not only makes it fun, insert he's a laugh a minute, but he also explains in a way that the average Joe, or in my case Jane can understand.

He shows you how to take the photos in a way that you can use that technique yourself later on. When you understand what you are doing it makes it so much easier to do it again and again and again.

If you want an insight on how to use your talent and your camera for the good side, then I highly recommend Shelton Muller.

If you want to learn more about your camera, learn more about light then Shelton is your man. Shelton works with Glynn Lavender under Creative Photo Workshops banner, and you will not get better value for your money, more fun and laughs whilst learning and amazing photography from your very own camera. Oh and you might even meet some amazing people who will become great friends. That is what I got out of my workshop…. Oh and my purse being stolen! But everything happens for a reason and that is another story for another blogging site.

I have also attended the Creative Flash Photography Workshop and the Wedding Workshop. Of course there are others, but I'll save them for 2010.

I’d love to hear from anyone who joins in on a Shelton Muller/CPW workshop.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy 2010.

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