Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A blogging we will go .... again

You could say so far my photography blog has been a big fat failure, and I guess in terms of consistent blogging, and sharing information with those interested you’d be right!  However I must admit that on many many occasions when I’ve been out photographing someone or something and a funny thing has happened, the first thought in my mind was “I should blog that!”

But like with all things in this fast pace society my lack of “getting onto that” straight away led me to  simply moving onto the next project, client or life event.   Then when the next “quirky” incident occurs so does the vicious cycle of “I should blog that” and “Oh bum the moment has passed”.

Anyway bare with me, I’m going to start my November Resolution of sharing my fun adventures of being a photographer, a mum and a friend.  Let BLOGvember commence!  Of course this will be done under the ‘guise of being a Photographers blog.  After all (as you'll read soon) I managed to turn September into Petember!

One last note - I want this blog to be as much about me as it is about my photography and the beautiful clients whom I will be blogging about.  

Why about me you may ask? Well I want you to get to know me, at least a little more about me, rather than just knowing my name.  After all if you are contemplating trusting me to be taking your photos in the near future,  I would like you to be able to feel comfortable with me and my quirkiness, then I know we will both have a lot of fun.

Oh and if there is anything you’d like me to cover in my blogs,  please feel free to shoot me an email at   ..(yes I know I shouldn’t have a Hotmail email address, but for some reason I just like having one!)

Of course comments and feedback here are always welcome and definitely encouraged J
